Saturday, March 24, 2012


I've been busy sewing and brainstorming lately. So many inspiring artists in blogesphere and unexpected sources of inspiration in my own environement. I'd thought I'd share a few things that have inspired me lately.

These fantastic, flat, smootth , crochet covered stones from the Resurrection Fern. blog. I just LOVE these.
In fact I love the whole blog even if I don't visit often. There's always a selection of fab photos to see and inspiring gems such as these.

Recycled, naturally dyed tea bags.  Of course that's inspiring! These were found on the SoewnEarth blog and I am sure you will enjoy these as much as I did.

I've been making nests! More on this to follow...
and I've made a treasuy of wonderful, nature dyed goodies on Etsy. 

You can check it out here if you are looking for a little eye candy!


Mick said...

I spend a lot of time looking at other people's work myself, Lisa. There's nothing more important than breaking free of your own four walls. Thanks so much for sharing these.

layers said...

thanks for sharing some different art works and artists.. all wonderful.. love the 'nests'