Saturday, March 31, 2012

Greening Easter

What ever our reason for celebrating Easter is, most of us will celebrate it in some way this year.
Like it or not, commercialism and over consumption leaves a dent in not just out wallets but in nature as well. I'm no doubt telling the already convereted here on my blog but I think it's worth a mention all the same!

Onion skin dye eggs. Arn't they beautiful?
Photo credit to Just Imaginate.

Our 'God's Eye" Weavings from op-shop wool and bamboo skewers in lieu of real sticks which we didn't have on hand! The kids have made loads of these and they're decorating nearly every part of the house! We chose the God's Eye to representing God always looking over us and the cross. I can see us making these at Christmas too... 
Chestnuts are in season here! This is the first time I've bought, roasted, peeled and pureed chestnuts. It was a bit of work but at least the food miles were low and I got the skins for dye! No doubt there will be chestnuts being added to the Easter crumble this year. I havn't yet dyed anything with my dye but it will end up in my collages before too long I'm sure.

I've been enjoying this co-operative blog which is a community of like minded people living sustainable lives. Visiting blogs isn't something I get to do a lot of but I'm noticing that lately I've been gravitating towards food type blogs and environmental blogs. Nuturing this part of myself helps keep me balanced, I guess it's soul food! Inspired by this and having my Labyrinth book back I've had my fabrics out and I've been  creating these page keepers.

I've put them on ETSY which is my first step in this direction.

Hope you are all well and happy! 


Lisa said...

how lovely! speaking of which...just finished your book tonight so I'll send the pages out to you the beginning of the week..

Kris said...

It is not hard to become green or's just a different lifestyle that I hold hope that many will embrace in one way or another.
Great post...lovely creations as well.

Mick said...

I can hardly wait to see some of the chestnut dye work ... the onionskin dye for the eggs is marvelous.