Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Homemade Candles

We love candles. When ever we have a quest for tea or there is a special occasion the kids and I have started lighting candles. Nothing romantic but still very special. We've even eaten taco's by candle is all about atmosphere after all. There's no reason why you have to wait for a power cut or birthday to enjoy them! These candles are extra special because the kids and I made them together using a mixture of recycled and fresh wax. They turned out my least favorite colour though! The wax was a beautiful shade of deep red when it was wet and dried a pink-orange! That sounds like a good excuse to experiment again soon if you ask me....
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Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more Lisa, candlelight is just so...well, yeah romantic...but magical too! And you made these yourself?! I'm impressed!

John M. Mora said...

on the third day of true love gave to me...