Belated Christmas wishes everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic, stress free Christmas.
I know I have been absent from my blog and yours for some time now. I thought I was simply struggling to find balance in my life but the truth is...I'm depressed. It's taken me months to realise that and even longer to admit it. But it's true. That horrible black cloud crept up on me and it's hard to get rid of. Some day I will be back here, full of ideas and inspiration. I can't change the events of this year but I hope that I can learn to accept them and find happiness in the aftermath.
I'm starting 2012 with a resolve to beat this.
Two of my favorite photos from 2011...
My best wishes to you all for a safe new year period and a year full of love to follow. I hope 2011 has been good to you and that 2012 will be even better. Thank you for the wonderful comments, the collaborations, the inspiration, the friendship. Be well!
Happy New Year right back ya Lisa.
Depression? Yes, it's real enough ... the only antidote that's ever been helpful for me is: Get Back to Work! That's right! Put a blank, white canvas in front of yourself and lay into it. Make a mark, swipe with paint or chalk, crayon or pastel, pen or pencil, makes no difference ... then, stay busy.
Certainly NOT! It makes NO difference if it's any good, just have at until you can say you've finished it. Accomplishment trumps those blues every time.
Wishing you all the very best, Lisa. Lots of good wishes from over here. Ax
I hope your depression lifts soon and I wish you a Happy New Year anyway. XOX
mick up there has a great attitude re: depression.
may days be sunny,may you sit in the brightness and feel your glow. i guess sometimes admitting we're depressed is a big step. overcoming that is as different as each of us. no formula, but light and love and yes, busy ness helps.....
in the nest, out of the nest. whipping wings around and making noise...
virtual hugs to you
Hi Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear about your depression. My SIL has suffered with his her entire life and it is a very real and truly overwhelming disease. Given the very difficult year that you and your family have endured, I'm sure you've felt as if you were hanging on by a thread at moments. What you've gone through is more than most could endure and you've been so strong for so long..I'm sure you are totally exhausted. My thoughts are with you...sending you healing wishes and hoping the black cloud will lift soon and you will find yourself again. Best wishes for a better 2012 for you and your family. xo
All I can say Lisa is "GET HELP". I suffer from clinical depression, tho' no-one would know it. A tiny amount of medication has allowed me to manage it very well. Life is too short to not take advantage of modern medicine to help you participate.
The black dog attacks me at times too, get help, but try to keep busy too, painting or stitching have great therapeutic value.
May 2012 be joyous and fun and may help be at hand.
Lisa, sending you a huge cyber hug and all the best for a happy, healthy, balanced new year. Be gentle with yourself it has been a rocky ride lately, give you heart a little time. Be well, we miss you.
You have had such a tough year Lisa! Be kind to yourself and as Mick says ploughing into some art on a regular basis often helps to shift the black cloud. Wishing you all the best for 2012 as well as many flowing hours, lost in your art. Love and cyber hugs to you. xoxo
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