Look at this fabulous Plover's nest that Mandy Hauge posted on her blog for moi! I am seriously impressed and just a tad envious that she gets to find some wonderful treasures! Thankyou Mandy it made my day to see this on your blog! I really have to encourage everyone to go on over to Mandy's blog and check out her art. No kidding not only is this lady one seriously talented photographer she also does incredible paintings, bird cage sculptures and collects cool things like mummifyed rats and bird skulls. You've just got to visit!
I've also been busy working on my Labyrinth book for the Pulp Redux collaboration. I am really loving the way this is coming along although it is still very much a work in progress! If you havn't been over already then make sure you pop over to see the progress on everyone else's books too. We've also had Lisa of Mud Hound Primitives join the collab which is very good news for us! If you havn't already been by her blog I suggest you visit her too!
Wow, the woven page is totally mine! :) What a great piece of art!
Lisa, I saw Deb's comment, wonderful, you made contact already! I wish you both all the fun in the world and if there are any questions, please let me know!
Wow Lisa, your Woven Page is beautiful. You have such imagination. Very well done you! It's a delight to the eye and to the hand as well, I bet.
Lisa, I saw your comment on Seth's latest posting. What are we waiting for? We should ask the girls if we could exhibit all our books together. Perhaps we could exhibit in Tauranga?
the woven page is marvelous! lovely idea!!
Now you're talking! Fabulous!
The library wants that book back, Lisa.
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