Saturday, June 27, 2009

Creativity Day

I attended a creativity course yesterday which was run by The Learning Connexion and hosted at the Tauranga Art Gallery. I enjoyed meeting other students from the same art course as I am on. studying extra-mural has meant I've missed that contact for the most part (that's ok though....I have you guys...awwww.) Most of the attendee's were either new students or people considering artistic study and I am at the other end of the scale having just about completed my diploma. Most people were learning what makes them buzz and how to communicate that with paint (and later 3d) where I'm fortunate enough to already know where my heart/head lays artistically speaking. I think the day confirmed for me that I am on the right track with my art at the moment and I like where I am at. Maybe a little too much, I am fairly comfortable at the moment!'s a few pics from the event.


Irene said...

How was it for you to be with people who were just starting out? Was it frustrating or did it make you feel very secure? I see a lot of art, but a lot of it of dubious quality...

John M. Mora said...

I am always gladdened by your clear wise optmism....thank you L.

Vanessa said...

I hope you don't mind I sent this around work- Carrie was happy to see the instant feedback!