Saturday, February 28, 2009

An Award...

The lovely Irene gave me this award. Isn't she nice? It came to me on the condition that I share 7 things about myself so here they are at random...
1) I havn't swum in about 7 years even though I have always lived near the beach.
2) I used to have a lot of pet rats and if I wasn't renting I'd get another one.
3) I am part Italian but I am allergic to wheat pasta and the milk in a cheese sauce- how ironic is that?
4) I would like to try installation art but havn't quite found the courage.
5) I've never been to a concert, I tried to go to a Gun's and Roses one when I was 15 but my Dad wouldn't let me!
6) I love crime documentries, especially profiling and forensic ones.
7) I learnt to appreciate the benefit of good drawing by painting and photography taught me the importance of good light and perspective when painting. I think I am a better photographer than I am a painter- and that's ok with me!

Ok, now I have to tag 7 people... I tag Andrea, Neda, Shani, John, Debi, Babooshka and UK John. Just for the record I do consider photography to be art!

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Anonymous said...

One John says "go pet a rat and leave me alone."

You are an artist who happens to photograph well.

Maya said...

#3 I am also part Italian, but don't eat dairy and am now trying a gluten free diet to see if that helps my digestion problems! Crazy, right?