I made these to tags for a lady who's hosting a swap on a group called altered hang tags. Mine arn't technically altered as I made the tags, actually that makes them not altered at all!! But the groups not too strict with the rules. The hang tag term's a bit strange to me too, the authentic ones are called shipping tags here and I thinks there's another name for them too but it escapes me at the moment!
Anyway, the first is made using a book picture (the flowers are orchards) and the trim is the bit left behind when you peel stamps from a booklet. The 2nd tag has the words found in a book, the purple is from a picture of someones wall paper and the red is from a picture of some material and the browny, copper stuff is from the picture of someones curtains! All found in NZ house and Garden Magazine and lovingly recycled by moi. Thankyou all for your wonderful and inspiring comments. I greatly appreciate them and enjoy reading your views.
Pssst, don't tell but I actually bought the lace and ribbons....NEW! Shocking I know! ; )
Lovely indeed, Lisa.
The girl/woman in the book pic is of undeterminable age - thirteen going on twenty-two - no?
The flowers also might mean something, like in 19th century "story" painting a cracked vase might have meant lost chastity, etc.
Not sure why I am going on here...but the tags are very attractive and capture a more innocent era.
All the lace I own is new. So new I do not even have it yet.
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