Wednesday, November 21, 2007


OPPS! Just seen my pic has dissapeared! Technology! - will see if I can figure out how to get it back onto my post with out it going to the top of all the other posts! Apologies for the big tease ;)

This is collage 1/14 for the International Collage Exchange 2008 and my theme is 'Fourteen famous Tuesdays'
This one is Fat Tuesday, or Mardi Gras as it is known these days!
The origins of this day are faaaaaaarrr away from what we see today. Originaly waaaay back when Noah was young :) it was a day of feasting and indulgence, dancing and music. Calves were often fattened for the occasion which was held the day before Ash Wednesday and the week of Lent. It was a last chance to indulge oneself and use up supplies of things like eggs, butter and milk before a week of fasting and prayer. The word Mardi Gras is French and litteraly translates to Fat Tuesday. Some countries also had 'Pancake Tuesday" as pancakes were a good way to use the eggs and milk!
I am especially pleased with the calf I made from painted paper scrap, it was inspired by the collages that Eric Carl ? Does in the "hungry catterpillar' books and it is a technique I would use again. I love collage but struggle with using images that arn't my own...I feel much better when I have created them myself!

1 comment:

Bev said...

Interesting to here about the origins of Mardi Gras, as it is not celebrated in England, at least not round here! Also interesting about the 'Hungry Caterpillar' book as it is a book I am very familiar with, as I used to read it to my own children. It seems to be a book with global appeal. I never realised that the pictures were collages, but, come to think of it, they obviously were!