An award! John of typos.daylight.fate kindly bestowed this award on me (thanks John!) and I found this on his blog too which is a short explaination of what the award is...
...From Zen-Images I understand that ""bloggers at Arte y Pico...created the Arte y Pico Award to honor artists who create, design, and inspire regardless of language or culture. It's an international award for a global community of artist-bloggers, acknowledging that what we create helps make the world a finer place."
I also read that I must copy and paste the following..
1) Award five blogs that contribute to the blogging community through creativity, design, and interesting material, regardless of language.
2) Name each of the five blog authors and provide a link to his or her blog.
3) Award recipients must show the Arte y Pico Award image and the name of the award-giving blog author, as well as the award-giving blog author's blog link.
4) Award recipients must provide a link to the Arte y Pico blog.
5) Award recipients must show these rules.
So here they are...my 5 .
Janet, because I happen to think photography is art and Janet takes beautiful night photos and photos of stunning buildings.
Shani and Neda for their unique and beautiful collages.
Mick for a fantastic environmental sculpture and most beautiful birdhouse series....and last but not least....my friend Lynette for being a great art group hostess!
If any of my recipents have already recieved this award then please feel twice as honored!

2 things challenge entries- this collage was skillfully put together by Janet of Washington DC. The theme was bold/pattern.
I put this here to make a break from the black and white. It also happens to be my entry for the weekly photo shark challenge! (Theme is pattern) to see more challenge entries or view the links to these groups please click here the 2 things challenge is open to all mediums.
Lisa, thanks for the award. I'll note on my blog that you've also shared it with me. It's great to be honored twice!
Love the photo of the paint brushes. Very cool! It reminds me of my grandmother's brushes. She painted porcelain and canvas in oils.
Congratulations on the award, Lisa. It is a very lovely one indeed and much deserved.
I too will be brushing up....I am playing with this image somewhere....sometime.....best wishes.
Aw shucks Lisa, thanks so much!!! You're such a sweetie!
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