Dictionary page from a rescued 1949 edition dictionary (damaged) NZ Home & Garden images, NZ Gardner images, National Geographic images, 2nd hand shop wool and a charm off a broken earing (Thanks Shakti!)
2nd photo: Do you believe in Irish luck? I found this 4 leaf clover inside another old dictionary that I got at the 2nd hand shop!
Untitled as yet!
Wow, so close to the finish line now! I am really enjoying making these and each one is so different even though I am using a lot of the same resources and the same theme.
With this one I wanted to make the contrast between rich and poor a bit more obvious (it has gernally underlined all of the collages so far.)
Why is it that children and adults labour in dirty and hazordous places while other people create elaborate sculptures and decorate there homes with extravegance? Why do we spend money of statues that do not know if they are made from plastic or gold when children starve? While others toil why is it that others play? Ofcourse I don't actually expect the answers. I am always troubled by this unequal distriibution of wealth and as a result opprtunity, health and comfort...as I have said before- not all nests are created equal!
Today I found the 4 leaf clover inside the pages of another 2nd hand shop.
I was looking for the dictionary definition of nest and there it was! Dried between the pages. I used a different dictionary in the end but what are the chances of finding a 4 leaf clover on the nest page? There's no way of knowing how old it is or who owned it so I am the lucky new owner, pun intended!
Two old and probably defunct words to add to your vocabulary:
Skimple-Skamble adj: wandering, wild, rambling, inchoherant- adv:in a confused manner. ( Try that word out at the next party you go to!)
Followed by - Skimmington: n. a burelsque procession intended to riducule a hen pecked husband: a riot generally! Also Skim'merton and Skim'itry.
What gems!
Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary, first edition 1901, reprinted 1949
Now all the luck is going to be with you. What a fortunate find. Make sure you don't lose it! When I was a child, we looked for them a lot, but never found one. Must be because we were Dutch and not Irish.
Hi Lisa,
I love this first collage ... and the luck of the Irish be with you!
~ Diane Clancy
The collage series is quite wonderful and your love of nests ying yangs wit mine of vbirds - s nice to see all the birdies. You raise important questions about fortune and luck and struggles.
You are quite lucky - I have never seen a four leaf clover and did spend five minutes once trying to find one. Very impatient.
Make sure a fourth leaf was not glued on - this would be international fraud given your reader base. I am impatient and suspicious.
The dictionaty is probably quite heavy and I am sure if can be dropped on unsuspecting NZ wasps loitering in flower beds, half asleep dreaming of rotting flesh or nectar.
Thank you for appreciating my attempts at humor....my best.
That is a terrific find! In the pages of a second hand book a well. Maybe you should read the pages it was found in to see if it has special pertinence to you lol Enjoy looking at these lovely collages.
This is my favorite of your recent series of work, Lisa. As for the gulf of inequality in life I only have a suspicion ... in the plan of creation, chaos and strife, organization and happiness, all are seen as "good". Hard to comprehend how that can possibly be? Oh yes.
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