Monday, May 16, 2011

Fossil Find!

I was pretty excited to come across this fossil last week at the local Rock and Mineral Club's work shop at the Historic Village, one of my fave places in Tauranga. Soon it will be sitting snug in the pages of Debrina's book, it's perfect for what I wanted so that makes this a doubly happy:)

A tail?

Reptile or rodent?


Mick said...

A wonderful find indeed ... now, into a book page you say? How flat is it?

Jo Murray said...

What a gorgeous rock. In a book? How so?

Anonymous said...

soooo very cool, lady. i LOVE it!!! debs is a lucky girl indeed!

Seth said...

What a wonderful find!

layers said...

I too love fossils-- and you have a fascinating one-- fun to try and figure out what it once was.

Deborah said...

Most unusual. What a great rock!

Debrina said...

Well this is exciting stuff, Lisa! I'm looking forward to puzzling him out. The last photo looks like a tiny panda bear has been fossilized, he he!