Even scary spiders create nice, safe, strong nests for their babies. Protecting them and providing a place of comfort and shelter. This realisation broadens my thoughts on nests and society as spiders don't come to mind as being the nurturing sort! They make great nests though. I got carried away and took many of photos of the various spider nests that I found which you can see here. I even found a Sky Tower nest!
For anyone who's a new visitor here and is wondering what on earth I am talking about please use the tags or search function for find my 'society is a nest' collages for the International Collage Exchange. If I am loosing my mind the process started a long time ago:)
I'm not a big fan of spiders, especially this time of year when they move inside! But, I like this image a lot. :)
nice grain - needs to be clicked - big size...queen sized
Funny words Lisa and great nest capture. I like the texture too!
r u stuck in the web, that web not this web?
Nice photo Lisa and thought provoking too.
I've never seen such elaborate weavings as these. I went to your post of many nests and they are all so beautiful and creepy at the same time. Almost alien pod-like.
Nice going! Crazy busy here. No time for creativity. Losing my mind. :)
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