Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Age of exploration

I scored this fantastic book from the FREE pile at one of the Op Shops I went to yesterday. Isn't the cover fantastic? The figures from this book will no doubt turn up in some of my collages...
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Bev said...

A beautiful old map. A lot better than the Ordinance Survey ones that just use plain symbols to represent things.(Mind you, they probably would help you find your way better!lol) The artist has put a lot of imagination into painting this, and he seems to have a reverance for the land he is describing.

Bev said...

Sorry, 'reverence'. This map was drawn in an age when much land was still literally uncharted territory, so the map makers could let their imaginations run riot. A lot of the world was unknown and not pinned down scientifically, so they could imagine things like these mythical-looking sea creatures. Modern maps are much more efficient, but perhaps less poetic!

Artists With Artitude said...

Love it. Can't wait to see what your amazing mind will create with all this. What is the Op Shops?

Anonymous said...

Very cool! But pleeeease don't cut the book - just for me? You could scan/take pics... It's a treasure.

Loving all your stuff, it's amazing. Very clever, and taking off.

To the girl above me: an op shop is an 'opportunity shop' ie second hand bargain shop that sells donated goods for a charity.